Saturday, November 21, 2009

Christmas Dilemma

I have a dilemma. I don't know what to get the boys for Christmas. Can you believe it? Well, actually, since these kids have just about everything, it is harder than it looks.

This is what I have:

Evan: microphone and stand, and it's red. stocking stuff like cars and a few small stuffed animals.
Ryan: ??????. I've gotten him the same stocking stuff but I cannot come up with a big ticket item for him to save my life!!!

What is wrong with me?

Why can't I find gifts for my guys????



Unknown said...

I think Ryan would like a gift card for a message for him mommy. Or even better a pedicure. Then she might pass it on to me.

Funny because I can think of way too many things to buy Tobin....

Unknown said...

That was meant to say "mAssage for hiS"