Saturday, November 14, 2009

Are you ready for some football?

Ryan woke up from his nap a bit early today, (like an hour too early) and Scott still had the football game on. Ryan was desperate to watch some football. I corralled him, threw him down on the couch to cuddle, while holding a blanket up so he couldn't stare at the TV. He was wiggling, and I was tickling, telling him that I just wanted to cuddle.

He said "Mommy I want to watch football please. Please let me go!"
I told him " I want to cuddle you, but, I will be happy to let you go if Daddy turns off the TV"
Ryan to Scott "Dad, TURN OFF THE TV PLE-EEA-ASE!!!!"

Glad to see that freedom from the tickling, hugging, kissing clutches of Mom is a bigger draw than college football.

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