Thursday, January 10, 2008

Men at Work

Evan has been having some trouble going to the Doctor's office. He's got a serious case of "White Coat Disease". The last time we went to the Doctor, Evan screamed bloody murder the entire time we were there, and his crying got Ryan all worked up, and I had two screaming, inconsolable toddlers on my hands.

This week we had two Doctor's appointments in two days. In an effort to keep the crying (and hair pulling) to a minimum, we (I) devised a plan. Scott could take Ryan to work with him and I'd take the Evan to the appointments, and pick up Ryan on the way home.

Evan behaved as expected, Cried, and Cried, and Cried. They were both super easy appointments, follow-up with Pulmonary, and a weight check with the pediatrician. (he's 23 lbs. 6 oz. -- 3+ pounds in 3 months!!!!) Poor kid, I hope he grows out of this soon, but who can blame him. He sees 5 specialists and a pediatrician, and once a month a nurse comes to the house and gives him two very LARGE shots! I'd be a little afraid too.

But what I really wanted to show all of you on this post was a picture of Ryan. He had two really fun days with Daddy. He was pretty well behaved. Granted, he got a little restless, and Daddy didn't get as much done as if Ryan was at home with me, but he certainly got more done than if he was in the waiting room at the Doctor's or at home waiting. When I got to the office to pick up my little boy, THIS walked out--

HOW CUTE IS HE!!!!! Got to love the little man walking out like a big boy, with Snoopy under his arm. If you could have seen his purposeful walk, and then his huge smile when he saw his Mommy and his brother waiting for him!

These last few mornings were the first times that the boys were separated, doing different things, EVER! I think it was good for both of them. And it certainly made it easier for me, and Scott had a couple of nice mornings with Ryan. Later in the month, Evan is going to join Daddy for a morning, so he can experience the fun too. I think Ryan and I will go to coffee. (with Snoopy of course)

1 comment:

@KayakPhilip said...

Love this one. Wish Tobin could join me for the morning too.