Saturday, May 2, 2009


I always tell the boys that we are going to see friends, or that friends are coming to see us and they come to use that term with affection for the people in our lives and I like that.

This week we had a visit from one of my oldest friends and her boys.

I think about where this friendship started, and where it has gone over the years, and I can only hope my boys will have friends so important and easy in their lives. I know they will always have each other as best friends, but the friendship you have with someone who is not blood, but feels like they should be, that is something special.

Maya and I have been friends since our second year at college. That's a lot of years ago. We lived together for more than three years. That's a long time.

We spent those important years, formative, if you will, together. Figuring it out, and starting to become the women we are today.

Back then I loved being her friend and roommate. She was so smart. So artistic. So musical. So funny. So perfect in so many ways. I wished I could be like her.

I always felt at ease with her. I still laugh when I think about some of the conversations we had. To an outsider they were not exactly conversations. We would each talk, we'd have these parallel discussions almost internal dialogs, out loud in the same room. Occasionally one of us would offer a suggestion, or comment, but then we'd pick up and keep talking. It so worked for us! Other times we'd go hours without saying anything, without the uncomfortable silence. It was just easy.

We went through boyfriends, heartbreaks, boyfriends, guys. Together. We went to Dead Shows all over. Together. We went on road trips. Together. We did CRAZY stuff. Together.

We graduated, and moved on in our lives. It was a sad day when we were no longer roommates. (however I continued to call her that for YEARS after) We still remained close. We didn't see each other everyday, or every week, or every month for that matter. It was sporadic, but we always remained close.

I got married, she got married, she had babies, I had babies. Now, we are lucky to see each other once a year. We hardly ever talk on the phone, we used e-mail to keep in touch, now she just reads my blog, and I read her Christmas letter. (totally puts me at a disadvantage I'd say) But for some reason it's okay. When we get together it's just like we are still living together. Like it's been a few hours since we last saw each other.

It's just EASY. Effortless. to be with her.

She is truly the sister I never had.

It was a fun visit. Her boys are older, but they played with my boys in the yard. Evan and Ryan were grinning ear to ear.

Maya, Casey and Kellen left while the boys were napping. When Ryan woke up, the first thing he said was "Where are my friends!" When I told them they head to go home, Ryan burst into tears. It really was the sweetest thing.

Kellen, Maya and Casey planning the rest of their afternoon.

It does my heart good to know that Ryan and Evan have the same love for our friends that I do.

1 comment:

Maya said...

Thank you! I don't deserve that posting! You're a great friend.