Thursday, September 11, 2008

The season hasn't even started yet!

So we are in the pre-season, and our post season lasted longer than what seems to be normal, how could it be that we already have our first sickness of the 2008-09 cold and flu season?

Ryan woke up at midnight last night with a fever. Today is spiked to 103.8. Did you know that in toddlers that is considered a MILD fever? 103.8 MILD? The doctors told me to watch him carefully and if it gets over 105 or if it lasts more than 3 days (3 DAYS!!!) to call them back.

I feel so bad for him, he slept all of about 3 hours last night (oh that was me), and has been awake 3 times already tonight. We read books from 1PM to 3:30 PM today, with Ryan's head in my lap, Snoopys tucked under his arms.

If we are down this early in the season...look out.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Oh no.... well if it makes you feel you any better, we missed our 'Open House' for preschool at the beginning of the week due to extreme runny faucets (er, noses). No fevers this time - but if it's any consolation, in the past we've run as high as 106 and they told us to wait until 106.5 to come in!!! I think you're sitting pretty at 103.8 ;)