Monday, March 3, 2008

40 is the new 30.

I'm 40 today.

I really don't feel like it's possible for me to be 40. I can't believe that I've been married for almost 15 years. or that I graduated from college 18 years ago. or high school 22 years ago. or that my boys are almost 2. Where does the time go? How is it possible that I could wake up one morning and be 40?

I don't feel like I should be 40. Wasn't 40 once considered middle aged? Is it possible that my life is half over?

Two or three years ago, before the constant sleep deprivation, I didn't feel my age. At 38 I felt 28 or 30. I stayed up late, got up early, worked out like a maniac, ate what I wanted, lived a go, go, go life. Now? Well now I stay up late, get up early (and sometimes all through the night), workout some, eat when I can, and live a go, go, go life.

What's changed?

Two toddlers!


Lindsay said...

Well, just between us - and the rest of the world who reads this blog... you still look like you just graduated college yesterday! Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. When's the party? Meredith