Sunday, July 19, 2009

Who's getting trained?

It seems like I've been working on this potty training thing forever. I started with Ryan because he showed interest and stared waking up dry in the morning and after naps. We had a few successful days, and then the crying, oh the crying started. He would wail and cry and refuse to go on the potty. He'd sit there for hours, and not go. I'd put him in his diaper, and immediately he'd relieve himself. Finally, I gave in, decided that I was doing more damage than good with my head strong, little man.

This is one of those times when it's nice to have twins...I turned my attention elsewhere.


So for the last few weeks I've been putting Evan on the potty every hour or so. He's been very successful. Every time I put him on the potty he goes. Motivated by ladybugs. Yes, ladybugs. Ladybug stickers, ladybug figures, ladybug stuffed toys, and now cookies. He has found a liking for snicker doodles. In the last couple of days he's been asking for a bite of snicker doodle every time he goes pee on the potty. So, he's chewing and swallowing, AND going pee on the potty!

We have yet to progress to telling me he has to use the toilet. Or let alone any poop deposits, but, he is staying dry in between me putting him on the potty.

I guess I'm getting trained pretty well!

***A little potty humor***

The other day Evan was refusing to pee on the potty and so I was pretty sure he had to poop. Scott and I were sitting at the table with Ryan and Evan was off reading by himself. Standing all alone, and very quiet. I whispered to Scott. "He's pooping, I'm sure of it."

A few minutes later Ryan went into the room. Patted Evan on the bottom and said. "Is there any poop in there?" he ran around the living room, and repeated his patting and asking a couple of times. (Meanwhile Scott got up to investigate) Ryan then said "It feels like a pancake" to which we all laughed. At that moment Evan said "It SMELLS like a pancake" which caused us to be hysterical with laughter. Scott barely got out "No Evan, it DOES NOT smell like a pancake"

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