Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our first Civics lesson

If you are offended by discussion of politics, homosexuality, choice, or religion please do not read any further. Tomorrow I will post cute pictures of the boys crying at swim lessons.

I wasn't going to get political on my blog, I try to avoid it in real life too (you know politics and religion), but today I was overwhelmed. The enormity of today's election is blowing my mind. I actually had a physical response, which I did not expect.

On my way out this morning to take Evan to OT, there were a number of "Vote Yes on 8" people out on the corners, waving their signs, while motorists honked in support. I felt the bile rise in my throat as I saw two little kids, with their parents, waving those signs.

Honestly, I was so overwhelmed, all I could do was shake my head as tears welled up in my eyes. I just don't understand people.

I am a firm No on 8 person. (For those of you outside of CA, Prop. 8 bans gay marriage, makes it unconstitutional) I personally find it so disgusting it makes me physically ill. Honestly, what business is it of yours who marries who? Just how does that effect you or me? I saw a sign painted on a car that summed it up for me it said, "I didn't vote on your marriage".

Get over yourselves. Get out of other peoples lives. They are not hurting you, or others. If two people LOVE each other enough to want to be married, who are you to say they cannot. Who are you to deny them basic rights given to a "traditional" union. Just as it would be wrong for me to say you cannot practice your religion, it is wrong for you to say gay people cannot be married.

I'm sure I just offended lots of people and I'm sorry. Really I am. I very strongly believe that we all have the right to our opinions, and I try not to ever make people uncomfortable with mine.
But today, this day, I can't keep it to myself. In addition to believing in some basic human rights, I also believe that if you have religion, and it works for you. Great. GO FOR IT! Good for you. I hope it makes you happy.

The real point to this story is that with all the Prop. 8 hubbub, and the possibility of our electing Barack Obama the first President of color, I was feeling a little political.

I took the boys to a polling place. I know they will never remember it, but I felt like it was important to me to take them there on this monumental day. (I voted by mail a while ago, but I swung into a local polling place anyway)

We walked in, it wasn't very crowded, and I just explained to them in simple terms.
Every four years we have the honor to elect our president.
It is our right and responsibility.
We should think very hard about our choices.
In 16 years you will be able to vote in your very first presidential election.
and then they got stickers.

For them, it was all about the stickers, for me, it was a chance to start educating my children on the importance of making your voice heard.

Tomorrow I will also post cute pictures of the boys with their "I voted" stickers. I'm too spent tonight to do so now.

And again, if I offended, I'm sorry, but I DID warn you.

Edited: OBAMA Wins. I breathe easier.
Edited again: I had a hard time sleeping tonight and removed some of the more inflammatory comments. So this reads a lot less offensive than it did last night. I'm still so disappointed that California can't support equality for all.


Lindsay said...

Not sure which version I read - but either way, I'm with you! Well said.

@KayakPhilip said...

Such a sad day that Californians chose to write division and intolerance and discrimination into the constitution. And to think that the main voting blocks were the very people who have suffered from discrimination in the past. I don't know why people feel the need to force their religious beliefs onto others. Thanks for posting, but sad, sad, sad.