Saturday, November 8, 2008

I love you puppy

Ryan has been referring to himself as "puppy" as in "puppy sad" or "puppy happy" or "puppy wants food".

This morning we brought Ryan into bed for a cuddle. It was still a bit early to get up and going, and Evan was still fast asleep. This was the conversation.

Ryan: Sad Puppy
Me: Why are you sad Puppy?
Ryan: Puppy misses Evan
Me: Evan is sleeping
Ryan: Wake up Evan, puppy want to play with you.

I'll I could say was, "AWWWWWWW"

Last night before bed Ryan was pushing his cart around and he said:

Ryan: Bye-Bye Puppy
Scott: Where are you going?
Ryan: Target
Scott: Why are you going to Target?
Ryan: By Mble-M's
Me: (to myself) I may want to stop eating so many M&M's

Last night as I put him into bed.

Ryan: I love you Puppy.
Me: I love you Ryan.
Ryan: I love you Puppy. Goodnight Puppy, sleep tight.

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