Evan: I'm Jack Johnson and I am going to the Hockey Hall of Fame. You, Ryan, are Drew Doughty, do you want to meet me there?
(If Evan could only know just how much every Kings fan love for Drew Doughty to meet Jack Johnson in the Hockey Hall of Fame someday!)
Me: Ryan, I am very disappointed in you, why did you not nap?
Ryan: Well, My puppies they keep waking me up.
Me: Well, I guess I will have to take them out of your room so you can sleep
Ryan: But, they are just stuffed animals (with an up turned hand in a position like duh, don't you know that!) Mom and they can't really do anything, see, they don't really have ears. It's all just stuffing. They are not real, not real ears and mouths.
Me: So are you trying to tell me that your stuffed animals are not responsible for your poor sleeping?
Ryan: No, just me.
Ryan's stories:
(Apparently these are the stories he is telling his buddies, instead of sleeping. He dictated, I typed. I made no edits, as you will see.)
There is a Monster Under the Nest
One day the monster went out to find a nest. He found one and he decided to bring it to the valley beyond the volcano. He loved it so much he decided it was his own, but it wasn't. It was a dinosaur's nest so he quickly hided under it and when the momma dinosaur came home it began to shake and shake some more so she decided to look under it to see if it was a monster and it was a monster. Then she started home and her nest followed her and the monster kept sleeping and sleeping in it's own nest. The monster went out to play hockey and the monster saw another monster and then they both ran off to play. That is the end of my book.
Gummies before breakfast
Gummies before breakfast went out to play, on a summer day. And they loved it so much they wanted to play for every day. Their dad said no come back you to get your sweaters because it is cold outside, they went back outside to play hockey like the monsters did. The monsters went out to play hide and seek, they came to find the great whole of grizzlies and all they could do was play and play.
The Sink got Fouled
(Fouled is when a sink gets out of water. I had to ask since I had no idea what he was talking about. I'm not sure Ryan knows either!)
The fouled sink stayed up for 20 years and it came down and then it came down and then it came up again. Then it came up again. Then it stayed down and then it came up again and again until it stopped and didn't come up again, Amen it didn't come up again.