Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memories of Christmas Past

Today out of nowhere, while I was supposed to be thinking about nothing in savasana, a memory came flooding back to me.

It must have been the boys second Christmas, they were about twenty months old, fifteen months adjusted, ( we were still adjusting for age in those days, which is an odd distant memory today ).

Evan had a fondness for the star on the top of the tree, (he still does) he would spend forever looking at it and signing star. I think we took the tree down during naps or at sometime when the babies were sleeping. When Evan say the empty space where the tree once sat, he looked and signed star, all done, and looked at me with such a sad little face.

I'm not sure why this memory came to me today but it did and my heart is fuller for it tonight.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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