Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What to do, what to do...

Lately the boys have been talking about a boy in their class.

They never seem to have anything good to say about this little boy.

I gather he is a little bit of trouble.

He may have some issues.

B took the phone out of my hand and broke it.

B took the pink towel away from me.

B took the camera I was using and put it in the paint so I couldn't use it anymore.

B knocked over my bucket, and Ryan's too.

B does crazy stuff.

Now, B seems like a sweet kid. He is on the younger end of the class, so some of his behavior may be that. Even though the boys complain about his actions, they still say good morning to him with enthusiasm. Their statements are all matter of fact, they never seem upset by it, but it is long in the past by the time I hear about it.

I struggle with how to approach this situation. I've considered asking the teachers what is going on. I've suggested that if what B is doing upsets them, they should avoid playing with him, however it seems that B seeks out trouble, and again, they don't seem overly upset.

My concerns are that I don't want this behavior rubbing off, and I don't want things to escalate.

I don't think this kid is a bully, he just doesn't know how to play appropriately. He is highly verbal, maybe I should just have Evan talk to him!

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