Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Odd bedfellows

This is what Evan's bed looks like. I swear I don't know how he sleeps in that thing. There are 3 pillows, 6 blankets, including the "Lady Bug and Flower" blanket that we cannot sleep without. (top right)

Of course we must have the three Ringos. (L to R: Other Ringo, Soft Ringo and Ringo Ringo) Don't even try to go anywhere, or attempt sleeping without all three.
Little Beetle Friend. (new to the mix)

Lady Bug. (Another must have or all is lost. Which is a problem since its really no bigger than a half dollar.)

Lightning McQueen.

Football, Soccer Ball, Basketball and Lady Bug Ball.

A crab and a shark.

Three Sea Stars.

And Six flowers.

No wonder he won't even consider sleeping in a big boy bed...there might not be enough room for everyone!


Lindsay said...

Ahhhh, I'm so glad I'm not alone! The sleep assortments just get stranger and stranger... and bigger and bigger, don't they?

Maya said...

Kellen sleeps with 6 penguins, a 2-foot long Pikachu doll, three pillows, a travel pillow he calls "Bluey" and, often, me.