Friday, January 16, 2009

The eyes have it

Both Ryan and Evan were diagnosed with ROP, Retinopothy of Prematurity, in the hospital. Evan had two laser eye surgeries to halt the growth of the blood vessels in his eyes. Ryan's eyes regressed on their own. Since our discharge we have been closely followed by our pediatric Opthamologist.

For the last two and a half years we have seen our Opthamologist twice a year, knowing full well that at some point both boys would require corrective lenses.

Tuesday I took Ryan in for his appointment, and sure enough, this is it for Ry. We left with a prescription in hand.

I took both boys to see a pediatric Optometrist to get Ryan fitted for his new glasses. I may have made a slight miscalculation, or it's possible the boys take this twin thing too seriously, because when told he was not getting glasses, Evan lost it. He cried and cried, and screamed "I want my glasses" over and over again. I finally got him to calm down by giving him his sunglasses, but, we did have to leave the store we were in, and have a little time out in the car first.

Thankfully this was not in the Optometrists office, but a short drive away, this gave me time to plot and plan.

The idea I came up with was to get two pairs of glasses one for each of the boys. Evan will be needing glasses soon, likely in the next 6 months, keep the peace, to ensure that Evan doesn't take off Ryan's glasses every second, both boys got fitted for their glasses, and in a week, both boys will be wearing them.

They were so cute and extraordinarily well behaved. The Optometrist commented to me on how great they were, that two and a half year old twin boys don't normally behave so nicely. That made me feel great. (Especially after our incident earlier in the day)

I cannot wait for them to get their glasses. They looked so cute, and grown up in them. It killed me. Oh, yes, and there are no pictures of this milestone, because my camera is broken, and I forgot to lug our big one to the office. Sorry, my bad.
Trust me they were too cute for words.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So how do eye test with toddlers work? Do they have to read out letters as well? And most of all, do they have to answer the annoying the 'better, worse or the same" question? If not, then I will be asking why I have to.