Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas surprises mean nothing to five year olds.

I had a couple of posts written, one I was going to get paid for, and one describing our fantastic trip to Joshua Tree, they got lost in my iPad app. I'm hoping to recover them at some point, when the app updates, but needless to say I am not going to rewrite them at this point.

This weekend we took the boys out individually each morning for breakfast and shopping with either Mommy or Daddy. Each kid got each parent for an entire morning of undivided attention. A rarity, but something we are going to make more of an effort to do, more often. Both boys benefited, and some things going on with Evan make us feel like he might need it most.

Anyway, both mornings were super fun, but the best part of my day had to be when we brought the boys back together, and after both Scott and I had impressed upon both Ryan and Evan that what we bought should remain a secret until Christmas, Ryan proceeds to whisper into Evan's ear about the Darth Vader watch he got him, with the mini figure!!!! and Evan, squees with joy, and begins the constant begging to have his present now, instead of Christmas. Later I causally mentioned that our Meyer Lemons look like they are ripe, and Evan began listing all of the things he bought me while with his Dad. Later that day, Ryan began telling Scott all about the tragic thing that happened when we were buying his watch. Scott and I could not stop giggling.
That was Saturday.

So far the additional 500 mentions of not telling anyone what we got them for Christmas seems to have worked because I have not heard from Ryan anything, and I know Evan has not told his father!

I love this age!

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