Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Potty Mouths

I honestly do no know where they get it. Lately I have been mortified at the words coming out of my precious babies mouths. Constantly. At breakfast. At lunch. At dinner. At play. It's starting to worry me, bug me, embarrass me.

Here they are sweetly, innocently building pirate ships. So adorable...and moments later I hear...

"This is my Pee Pee, Poo Poo, pirate ship"

We are in the kitchen making one of the cakes I'm going to need for this weekend, and I'm telling them "put this one cup of flour in" and in response I get. "One cup of Poop" followed by fits of boy giggles.

We sing (to the tune of No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed):
No more poopers pooping on the bed
No more poopers pooping on the bed
that is what the pooper said.

at meals...

Talk of poop and pee has now been banned from the table.

Intellectually I understand that is a good thing. They are working on potty training and it is only natural to explore through language the things they are trying to master. We are making progress (except for today) and they are mastering using the toilet at school. Evan is so proud of himself that he can go all by himself. Ryan still prefers to have help. However Ryan is pooping on the potty 99% of the time. Evan prefers pooping in his underwear. But pee, really, except for today, they are telling me 99% of the time. Although I never thought we'd get there, we are making progress. Can I get a Hallelujah!

But seriously, I am over conversations like this:

Evan: "Ryan, are you a pooper?"
Ryan: "No, I'm a pee pee puppy."
Evan: "Poopy, poop, poop, poop"
Ryan: "Pee, pee, puppy, pee, pee, pee"
Evan: giggles
Ryan: giggles
Me: Rolls eyes, shakes head, secretly smiles.


Lindsay said...


Jessica Heldman said...

That is too funny! It's not just the potty training, however, it is simply boys at this age. My boys have been PT for a long while and still find the greatest joy in uttering "pee" and "poop" every chance they get. Tonight we were looking at a U.S. Map and when they spelled out MississiPPi, I was treated to hysterical laughter and a commitment by both of them that they will grow old together living in the "PP" state!

Lauren Wayne said...

Oh, see, now I'm the one who's always changing the lyrics of songs I'm bored with to "poop." I somehow think it's hilarious. It's my 2-year-old who rolls his eyes at me and tells me I'm singing it wrong. (But I didn't sing my filthy lyrics in front of your kids, honest!)