at 9:45 AM on Sunday, July 6th, in the year Two Thousand and Eight. Ryan did this...
...for the very first time. (insert applause here)
Now, I am in no way so delusional to think that this is a trend or anything, nor am I ready to SERIOUSLY start to potty train, (We are on the "potty awareness" phase) but still, Mad Props to the Ry-ster.
Here's how it came to be.
I smelled poop and I thought it was Ryan. It was not. I changed his wet diaper since I was there and went to begin to hunt down the offender Evan. Ryan kept saying "paw-paw" and I kept saying "no honey, Evan has the poop" He just kept at me and he continued to try and get me to take him to the potty. He told me he had poop, I said no. He told me "paw-paw, poop" and I said "no honey". He tried to take off his diaper. Here's where a mom of a singleton would have just taken the kid to the potty, right? But I had a poop filled diaper to change. It was after the third request to go to the potty, (and my failure to catch Evan as he scooted by me) that my sense caught up with the situation at hand. Evan could stay in his poop for a few minutes, what if Ryan REALLY did have to go, I would be contributing to his potty frustration! Eeegads! Can't have that! I quickly spirited him off to the potty, and lo and behold, one fart later and a few cute expressions on his face, and we have now had our first successful elimination.
We did a post potty success dance, which he wanted a lot more of, and we waited until Daddy came home from playing hockey to show him!
This minor success begs the question, how does one potty train two toddlers at the same time? As soon as I had Ryan's diaper off, Evan had to join the party, at one point, (or four, who's counting) I had two naked (nay-nay) boys running loose in the house. Which is Okay but...(you see where I'm going with this?) what happens when I don't catch them before they make "deposits" in various locations around the house? Yuck. I think I'll hold off getting new carpeting for a year or two.
Oh my! Well - if you can do it successfully first, I'll just sit back and wait to see how you did it - considering I'm in denial about the whole thing anyway...
I love that you posted a pic of the potty! Way to go Ryan! Good luck with the potty training x 2. I had a hard enough time with one! But it sounds like you are already on your way!
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