Two years ago, we had an addition to our family. No, not a baby or a pet. If I'm being perfectly honest, this addition came into our lives many years earlier. October 5, 2002. That just so happens to be the date we had two more additions to our family. Wow, this is getting confusing.
Here's what happened: Back in October 2002, Shelley, Scott's sister, married Todd. Therefore, Todd and Cassie (Todd's Daughter) became a permanent part of our family, whether they liked it or not.
On that same day, Scott's brother, Eric, decided to bring a "date" to Shelley's wedding. Okay are all of your warning bells going off. Who brings just a "date" to his sister's wedding. Yeah, the entire family was a twitter. If it wasn't the upcoming nuptials being discussed, it was this mysterious "date" Eric was bringing.
To shorten the story by about 10,000 words. Mary came to Shelley's wedding, fit in perfectly. Did not miss a beat, on the dance floor, or keeping up with this sarcastic, crazy family. She survived the wedding, and the three week European vacation with the entire clan, we decided to keep her and she's been with us ever since. (can't shake the girl)
So, now back to TWO years ago today, Eric and Mary were married.
Two years ago, Ryan and Evan were still
permanent residents of the Infant Special Care Center.
Two years ago, a sobbing Mother
walked was dragged out of the Infant Special Care Center, to catch a plane to Oakland, to drive to picturesque
Healdsburg, to participate in
Maric's very special day. (oh, everyone in our family has combined names. Shelley, Todd and Madison=
Shoddison. Scott and Janice =
Scanice. I don't think we've come up with our name including the boys. Have I mentioned that this family is
I wouldn't have missed it for the world, I sat there holding my babies, the thought of being away from them for more than a few hours, was killing me. You see, until this day, I had never gone a day with out seeing my boys. I'd been with them, EVERY. DAY. for four months. I made the trek to the hospital each and every day for four months. I sat by their beds, every day for four months. I KNEW they'd be safe. I'd made sure that our primary nurses were on duty for the weekend. We were going to be back Sunday morning. It was only one day.
In the world of the
NICU, one day could be critical. In the
NICU, one hour could be critical. You just never know. In one day a preemie can go from stable to critical, it changes that quickly. The only reason I could leave those boys, and go on plane, (where I'd be unreachable) was the knowledge that our primary nurses would be with them. They were the only people that knew those better than us. (Well, they didn't know them better, but they knew them and they have far more medical training than Scott or I, so really, they were safer with them than anywhere.) Funny, it still makes me sweat just a little to think about leaving them in the
NICU alone.
It was really good for us to get away, to be with family, celebrating. The ceremony took place overlooking a vineyard, there was great food, dancing, laughter, and lots of love. The bride was gorgeous, the groom handsome. There was nary a dry eye in the place during the ceremony.
Scott and I spent a full day, breathing. Not focused on skin color, or numbers flashing on a monitor, or how many
ML's someone ate. We were able to focus on the end game. We were able to recharge, relax and gear up for the home stretch.
Most importantly, we were there to share this with two very special people...

...and the boys were just fine.