Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Some Recent Funnies

These kids crack me up.

During sharing, early in the year, the boys had to share something about their heritage.  I wrote their middle names in Japanese for them and we talked about being Japanese and Norwegian.

During their sharing, one of their friends said, "I didn't know you were Japanese"  to which Evan responded, hands flung in the air, "I KNOW!!!!! We JUST found out!"

Their teacher Ms. Erin, laughed so hard she cried.

The other day, I made tried to make my Aunt's Fried Chicken.  It calls for an ice cold salt bath overnight, so I assumed brine. I cooked up the chicken, using the translated from Japanese instructions provided to me from another relative who watched once as she prepared the dish and asked some questions.  I have a few of these recipes from her, and well not always perfect, I have managed to recreate some of Auntie Masako's finest.  (her potato rolls are my crowning achievement)

I fried up the chicken, plated it up and served it to my boys.

Evan:  "What makes this chicken taste so much like salt, mom?"

Ryan:  "It's okay, as long as you don't eat too much of it."

Their kind and tactful words were very, very kind.

The chicken, it was inedible.

When I said this out loud.  Ryan said, "no, not really inedible, just hard to eat."

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