Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ryan at Four

Oh Ryan, my love, my first born.

This year has seen so many changes in you. The constant, the one thing that doesn't change, is your heart. It is so full of love, compassion and kindness. It brings me to tears thinking about your ability to love and to show love. You are always concerned when some one else is crying. You try to comfort your brother when he is sad. You are thoughtful and considerate. You are well mannered. You are my Ryan.

Your language is rich and full. You love to tell me about your days at school. Your teachers tell me that you make sure that everyone is where they need to be. Not in a bossy way, but in a helpful manner. They love you at school, your teachers are a perfect fit for you. Kind, loving and firm when needed. I am so happy that they report you have a LOVE of learning and that you are a joy to have in the classroom. I'm so glad that school is turning out to be a good experience for you.

You loved stuffed toys, your buddies. Snoopy is your main love, but you have several others that you cuddle. I think you pick someone new every night to cuddle with, but Snoopy is a constant. You really love Dinosaurs and can tell me and anyone who will listen the difference between a Pterodactyl and a Quetzalcoatlus. You love to read more than anything else. If I let you, you would sit and read all day long. I love cuddling with you and reading but sometimes I cannot read another word! Your favorite author right this minute is Bill Peet and we have almost all of his books. I'm not sure which is your favorite, but you seem to bring me Smokey and Cyrus the most. You love blocks, trains, cars and trucks.

You have so many books memorized it is truly amazing. You have an astonishing memory for details. You are so observant I have to be very careful.

You love to make me and others laugh. You have an amazing sense of humor and timing. You think it is funny to make up funny songs and sing them while playing your guitar. You also love to make up stories.

You love to eat. You are not adventurous, but you love a good meal. Odd for a kid your age, you love steak. You are not big on sweets, unless it's M&M's. You've branched out into salads with homemade croutons. You love hot and spicy. You put crushed red peppers on you pizza and eat salsa by the spoonful. You also love to cook. You always want to help in the kitchen and you always ask me how your meals are prepared. It would not shock me to see you on Top Chef someday.

You say the sweetest things. "I love you Mommy because you make my heart happy." "I miss my Evan, I wish he were awake." "It makes me sad to go to the doctor with out Evan, I need him so I don't feel sad." You call me "mommy" or "mother" or "mom" interchangeably, it makes me laugh when you call me "mother".

You are emotional, yet very reserved in front of others, even shy. With us you are starting to show a little defiance/independence. However you like to please so your behavior is easy to direct in the proper direction. Your eyes are soulful. I look into them and see so much more than a four year old boy. And then you start talking about poop and I know you are a four year old boy. You love to make us "pwoud".

You are all boy, and love nothing more than to be outside all day digging, riding or running. You have amazing coordination for a kid so young. You've shown mad skilz in ice skating, bike riding, and soccer this year.

I cannot believe you have been in my life for four years, I cannot believe it has only been four years. I only have brief memories of what life was like before you. I cannot imagine what it would be like if you were not here. You brighten up each and every day. You fill my heart with so much love it is bursting. I love you boysenberry. I love you Ry Ry, Ryley, Ryser, Ryan bo-byan, muffin love, love bug, puppy, my baby boy.

Happy Birthday, my sweet.

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