Monday, July 28, 2008


Some times I think that the boys are not getting anything out of music class, because some days they really don't participate. Then they go and do things like this that make me know for sure that the connections are all made and class participation isn't everything.

On Monday, my mother in law Carol and I took the boys to music class. It was a normal class, there was some participation, and there was some standing around watching us participate.

Some time later in the day. I heard Evan laughing and screaming at the top of his lungs. "pah, pah, pah, pah" I had NO, IDEA, what he was talking about. Around the corner I came, to see what the ruckus was about to find Evan.

Holding one end of the new play mat Grammie had brought the boys, loading cotton balls* on top, and shaking furiously, all while saying "Pah, Pah". I scratched my head, watched while he did it a couple more times, and then, the great big light bulb went on and I finally realized exactly what he was doing.

In music class that day, we loaded blow up balls on to a


and we shook the parachute and laughed as the balls bounced up and down, and all around.

Carol, Evan, Ryan and I then sat around for the next 45 minutes playing parachute. Which of course is our new favorite game.

*We had cotton ball out practicing picking them up and putting them in to containers earlier in the day. Great fine motor practice, and practice for using chopsticks, which is a 100% necessary skill in this house.

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